The first step to stopping invasive Asian carp is recognizing them. Here's what every angler should know • Outdoor Canada

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Advertisement Like enemies at the gate, invasive carp are threatening to populate the Great Lakes. Collectively known as “Asian carps,” bighead, black, grass and silver carp are notorious for outcompeting native fish and destroying habitat, including wetlands. The most imminent threat comes from grass carp, which have reproducing populations in two U.S. tributaries of Lake Erie. So far, bighead, black and silver carp remain confined to the Mississippi River. Should these fish-farm escapees become established in the Great Lakes, they […]

Heavy metal: Biologists call in the Crüe in fight to keep invasive

Asian Carps Ontario's Invading Species Awareness Program

Invasive Species

Cyprinus carpio (common carp)

Technologies Poised to Keep Asian Carp at Bay, Slowed by Challenges

Asian Carp – Asian Carp Canada

My buddy caught his first carp on a rooster tail! 8 lb 2 oz. Is it an

Asian Carps Ontario's Invading Species Awareness Program

5 fascinating new numbers telling important stories about hunting

Canadian actor Elias Edraki is obsessed with fishing—especially yellow perch. Here's why • Outdoor Canada

Suitable Canadian spawning tributaries for Asian carp in the Canadian

Flats are among the most overlooked fishing hot spots. Here's how

4 must-know tips for fly-fishing in lakes, reservoirs & ponds

MN DNR celebrates capture of 300-plus invasive carp

Canadian scientists ask anglers to report fish health & invasive